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Head Nurse
Before working with Adea I was at a crossroads in my life, feeling adrift in both my career and relationships. I felt extremely overwhelmed and at the time I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Adea’s positivity is contagious and she created so much space for me to think through some tough questions I had never considered before. I had to make some hard decisions I never imagined I would have the guts to make. She helped me see how powerful I could be and that I could take control of the areas in my life that I let drift away. My life is already shifting in ways I couldn’t have imagined and I’m finally hopeful for the life I’m creating.
Data Science Director
Product Manager
Division CEO of Global Energy Company
Influencer & Entrepreneur
I never thought I needed a coach. To be honest, I didn’t even know what a coach was. At the time, I felt so over-my-head and overwhelmed when it came to my business. I had been feeling like that for months and I didn’t know what to do. It was hard to admit, but I was barely making any money and each month was a rollercoaster where I wasn’t sure if I could pay my bills and support our lifestyle. I felt like I had to choose between living a life where I had freedom to run my business or one that paid the bills. I bumped into Adea at the dog park and it felt like a sign from the universe.
She saw in me what I couldn’t see at the time. She saw my strength, resilience and passion. And she didn’t let me give up. Because of that I was able to look inside and push through the old mindset that had been holding me back for so long. My business has now become profitable and I have the steady income I needed to propel me into new spaces that I’m most drawn to. I always look forward to our sessions for the clarity and because I know she’s there to get the best out of me. Thank you.
Luxury Realtor
Having deep confidence is crucial in doing anything that matters in life. And sometimes you need someone to believe in you and hold you accountable. Adea was on my side of the ring every step of the way. Having her see all that I could be is something you just can’t put a monetary value on. I wasn't initially sure about having a coach, though I know now it would have taken years to make this kind of progress without her help. It’s truly a gift to have the privilege of having Adea in my life.
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